About the Fund

Find out more about the Fund and the people who look after your pension.

How the Fund has changed over time

Depending on when you joined Unilever, you may be building up pension in more than one plan. Find out when the different plans started and stopped, and how this affects your pension. All the different plans are registered pension schemes with HMRC. This means there are tax advantages to saving in them.

See how the Fund has changed over time

Your Trustees

The Trustees are responsible for managing the Fund. With the help of their expert advisers and administrators they make decisions about how the Fund’s money is invested, monitor risk and make sure that members’ pensions are paid correctly and on time.

Read more about your Trustees

Sustainable investing

Sustainable investing is a natural part of the Unilever UK Pension Fund’s strategy. Find out what the Fund is doing to invest your money responsibly.

More on sustainable investing

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