Sustainable investing
Sustainable investing is a natural part of the Unilever UK Pension Fund’s strategy.
Climate change poses an immediate and significant risk to the global economy.
The Fund's Trustees believe that:
- The transition to a more sustainable world is inevitable
- Companies and investment funds with good governance will perform better
- Businesses that become more sustainable quickly will be more successful
By engaging with the companies the Fund invests in, we can boost investment returns for members and improve corporate behaviour.
Sustainable investing in action
Here are 4 things we’re doing to make sure the Fund invests your money responsibly.
4. Taking a 3-tiered approach to investment
Tier 1
Tier 1 evaluates and monitors the extent to which our investment managers consider sustainability when making decisions. We do this as part of the decision to appoint a manager then on an ongoing basis.
Tier 2
Tier 2 involves investing in funds that integrate sustainability in their processes and decision making, and that align with our beliefs and goals.
Tier 3
Tier 3 includes specific investments in sustainable impact opportunities. We have a target allocation for the DB Section of the UUKPF that accounts for 3% of our assets. This has been implemented through tailored impact-investing funds, which Unilever’s in-house pensions investment team, Univest, set up for use on behalf of Unilever Global pension funds.
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