Sustainable investing

Sustainable investing is a natural part of the Unilever UK Pension Fund’s strategy.

Find out more about the actions we’re taking

View our Scheme Annual Report and Financial Statements to year ended 31 March 2023

Climate change poses an immediate and significant risk to the global economy.

The Fund's Trustees believe that:

  • The transition to a more sustainable world is inevitable
  • Companies and investment funds with good governance will perform better
  • Businesses that become more sustainable quickly will be more successful

By engaging with the companies the Fund invests in, we can boost investment returns for members and improve corporate behaviour.

Sustainable investing in action

Here are 4 things we’re doing to make sure the Fund invests your money responsibly.


Carbon reduction targets

A family planting vegetables in a garden, with children helping

By the end of 2024, we aim to reduce by 30% the amount of carbon dioxide our portfolio produces. By 2029, we aim to reduce it by another 20%. By 2050 we aim to reduce it to 0% (net zero). Every year, we will publish our progress in a Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) statement.

Download the latest TCFD statement


Excluding investments that do harm or do not align with our beliefs

Solar panels on a hillside, harnessing renewable energy from the sun.

These include companies that are directly involved in making cluster munitions or anti-personnel mines or extract more than 50% of their revenues from mining coal or using it to generate power.


Engaging with portfolio companies

A cityscape with towering buildings and trees in the background.

The Fund’s investments are often held in ‘portfolios’, which are collections of different investments. Depending on the Fund’s investment, voting and engagement activities are carried out by the investment managers or an externally appointed stewardship provider (Hermes EOS). A key objective of these activities is to seek to make sure our portfolio companies’ strategies and actions align with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

4.  Taking a 3-tiered approach to investment

Find out more about the actions we’re taking

View our Scheme Annual Report and Financial Statements to year ended 31 March 2023
